An angry mob in Chikwawa district has beaten to death a notorious thug who claimed to be a police officer.

The slain criminal, a resident of Blantyre and whose particulars are not yet known, met his fate today (Wednesday) morning at Ziwadzina Village in the area of Traditional Authority Maseya in the district.

Chikwawa Police Station PRO Constable Foster Benjamin said the deceased’s accomplice, identified as Alex Edson of Chidothi Village in T/A Chimaliro’s area in Thyolo, has since been arrested.

According to Benjamin, both the deceased and the suspect, in the company of others at large, are said to have traveled from Blantyre into Ziwadzina Village.

He said: “They stormed into a cattle farmer Thauzeni Gambuleni’s house after smashing the door using a big stone.

Immediately the gang demanded cash while claiming that they were police officers.”

The police PRO said the cash which the thugs demanded was reportedly to have been realized from the sale of 30 cattle, a thing which the family denied.

“This, however, did not go down well with the thugs who resorted to beating up the old couple using metal objects, leaving the husband unconscious.

The criminals went further ransacking the house and stole some cash amounting to K150, 000,” said Benjamin
He further said neighbours woke up to the commotion and acted swiftly, apprehending one robber in the process adding that the mob couldn’t not hesitate but killed the suspect instantly.

“Later on, the other suspect, Edson, was nabbed within sugarcane field by security guards belonging to one of the estates in the area and was handed over to Chikwawa Police Station.

The suspect has since been charged with burglary and theft according to police in the district.

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