Zimbabwe’s recently formed political party, the National Patriotic Front (NPF), is reportedly backing the Movement for Democratic Change Alliance presidential candidate, Nelson Chamisa in the forthcoming election.

According to NewsDay, a number of top officials within the party that is believed to be backed by former president Robert Mugabe, turned up for the MDC Alliance protest march in Harare on Tuesday, and pledged to back Chamisa’s candidature in next month’s presidential election.

NPF’s spokesperson, Jealousy Mawarire sent the crowd into a cheerful mood when he chanted the MDC slogan, before saying: “We will be voting for president Chamisa.”

“By July 30, he will be providing us with universities, hospitals and cash in the banks.”

But, according to New Zimbabwe.com, Mawarire was quick to deny any links with the MDC Alliance, saying his party was merely supporting its calls for a free and fair election.

Mawarire said that it was impossible for the government to provide a level playing field for the forthcoming polls.

He said the electoral playing field was not level and will never be even “as long the military is in control, and these are the same people who subverted the constitution last year”.

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