Police in Mchinji are looking for men who disguised themselves as gule wankulu dancers and went on to loot a shop at Nkhalambayasamba Trading Centre belonging to a man whom they suspect to have killed a fellow businessman through magic.

an illustration picture of Gule Wamkulu dancers

Mchinji police station Labalani Mkalani has identified the shop owner as Kaphale July aged 56 and the deceased as Rabson Wisalamu who until his death was also doing business at the said trading centre.

According to Makalani, the deceased who died on June 3 was at loggerheads with July. After his death, some people suspected that July had played a role to kill him through magic as he was his business competitor.

“Immediately after the burial ceremony Kaphale claimed to have been receiving death threats from the deceased’s relatives. This development forced him and his entire family to leave their mighty home and seek an asylum somewhere for their own safety, “said Makalani.

On June 5, a group of over twenty men masquerading as Gule Wankulu Dancers stormed Kaphale’s shop and looted all the merchandises worthy over 3.5 million kwacha.

Following that, police arrested 46-year-old Tenthani Nsaima who is also the Group Village Headman Kabuthu and the law enforcers also arrested the Chairperson for Nkhalambayasamba Trading Centre named Daniel Joseph aged 40.

Meanwhile the police are still investigating the matter to arrest the perpetrators who shall answer cases of inciting violence and breaking into a building and committing a felony therein.


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