Former President Dr. Joyce Banda who is also founder of the opposition People’s Party (PP) has disclosed that she will contest in the forthcoming 2019 tripartite election, diffusing rumours that she will leave the party in the hands of her son, Roy Kachale.

Banda said this during a rally the party held at Nyambadwe Community Ground in the commercial capital Blantyre on Sunday.

According to Banda, the party will decide to make her the torchbearer at the yet to be convened national convention.

“If you vote for me at the party convention, then I will contest in the forthcoming 2019 polls,” Banda said at the rally attracting ululations from the people gathered at the function.

Banda also took advantage of the rally to attack President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) accusing him of failing the nation.

She accused Mutharika of duplicating development project her administration initiated to hoodwink Malawians that he was doing something.

Banda cited the re-launch of the constructions of Lirangwi-Chingale turnoff road.

Reacting to the accusations, Minister of Information and Communications Technology Nicholas Dausi accused Banda of cheating Malawians.

Dausi said Banda laid foundation stones but she did not fulfill construction works of the said projects.

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