By Robert Kumwenda

President for opposition Umodzi Party (UP) Professor John Chisi has said though the country cerebrated twenty five years of since it attained its democracy from the dictatorial rule of the former head of state the late Dr Hastings Kamuzu Banda the country is still economically free.

He said we as Malawians we are very fortunate because we are out of from dictatorial rule of one party state saying that politically we are free because people are able to talk and express their views freely as well as demonstrate peacefully against the government among others but economic empowerment is still a challenge and it is something that we should be aspiring for.

“We should work as a team at look at our nation holistically because corruption is everywhere not only in government alone, l feel sorry for people in the opposition who are stuck to the old system of the Malawi Congress Party (MCP),” he said.

The UP leader said our mindset is still one party state because we are failing to accept that we are in a democracy where people have different views and opinions.

He said the real freedom will come under the UP pillars which are justice, employment and education for all.

On 14 June, 2018 Malawi marked twenty five years of democracy following a referendum which was held on the same day in 1993 where people choose multiparty system of government.

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