A 39-year-old Malawi police officer identified as Superintendent Maxwell Chimenya of Balaka Police Station has recently been manhandled by a Nyasatimes senior reporter.

the officer

According to unconfirmed online reports, the journalist Elijah Phimbi, 30 allegedly battered the law enforcer on allegations that he was having an affair with his wife.

Around 19:00hrs on Friday, 15th June 2018, the journalist and his two friends approached the officer who was having a good time with colleagues at Naphiri Bar within Balaka Bus Depot.

Immediately upon their arrival the suspect grabbed the neck of the officer without any explanation. In the process, the officer’s T-Shirt got torn and money amounting to K47, 250.00 is alleged to have been stolen from his trousers’ pockets.

the journalist

The journalist was then arrested by the district’s police officers and he has since been released on bail pending court appearance soon.

Meanwhile, the stolen cash has not been recovered yet.

The officer hails from Katunga village in the area of traditional authority Kandulu in Mwanza while the Nyasatimes journalist comes from Mitawa village in the area of traditional authority Mlumbe in Zomba district.

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