By: Robert Kumwenda

Malawi is one of the countries badly hit by the social economic problems which have negatively impacted on its citizens who about 80 percent of the population live on less than a dollar a day.

Apart from that, the country is also facing another challenge of population growth which is creating pressure on land, education, employment and labor issues.

Professor John Chisi Umodzi Party leader said his party will create industrialization ministry that will use the human resource the country has efficiently.

He said the issue of population growth will be addressed if people are educated as his party is promoting because they be able to understand the consequences of having too many children which they cannot manage to look after.

“If people are educated they will use modern methods of family planning like using contraceptives unlike the way things are now,” he said.

Chisi said they are going to deal with problems that affects all sectors of life be it education and they create experts whom they will work with.
We want people to be educated first and each and every person should take part in national development that way we are going to move this country from poverty, he said.

The UP leader said all countries that have developed its citizens are educated saying that some of the problems the country is facing are because of high illiteracy rate.

“We need to change our mindset and change the system, it is high time we change the way we do things because the system we have been using has failed as,” he said.

UP has since created structures across Malawi and its leader Professor John Chisi is being love by so many people including the youth because his style of leadership is totally different from other politicians.

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