Malawian business lady Florence Chatchoka is reportedly dead after unknown thugs stabbed her to death at the border of South Africa Beitbridge.

Chatchoka met her fate on the wee hours of Sunday while on her way to from Malawi to South Africa.

According to Information at hand, Chatchoka was travelling in a Munorurama bus from Lilongwe to Johannesburg and at the port of entry as a tradition all travellers were requested to take out their belongings.

She went to offload her Sobo and rice and she was late she found that others had already taken their belongings and she was alone at the bus.

Someone followed her to the bus, he went straight to grab her bag and she tried to fight for it and the moment she screamed for help the thug stabbed her with a knife.

At this point she was overpowered and the thug went away with the bag “which had R3000 supposed to be presented to Immigration” left her in a pool of blood.

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