By Robert Kumwenda

It is a common trend in Africa and other countries where party followers handclap when their leaders say something, insult their opponents or promise them something which in most cases they do not fulfill.

But Professor John Chisi leader of the opposition Umodzi Party (UP) says that his party does not believe in handclapping.

He said political leaders are chosen to fulfill the promises they make during campaign as such there is no reason for people clap hands for them when they do something.

“The problem we have in Malawi is that people like to get things from political parties but they do know where the money comes from,” he said.

The UP leader said people in democracy people are supposed to support political parties and not expect to get something from the political parties.

He said political parties should come up with good policies to give them their social needs.

Because of poverty followers of political parties have a tendency of hand clapping for their leaders even if they something irrelevant hoping to get something at the end of the meeting.

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