An inmate who was mistakenly released was driven back to jail by his wife after an identity mix up led him to be incorrectly freed from Mesa County Jail in Colorado.

According to The Independent, James Rynerson 38, was mistakenly released instead of his former cellmate Marvin March.

The guards at the prison were also completely unaware he had been moved and set free Rynerson instead without checking if it was the correct inmate.

The guards soon realised their mistake, when they approached March and asked when he was going to be released.

As soon as he was released, Rynerson drove to his wife, who two hours later returned him to jail.

According to Mesa County Sheriff’s Sergeant Henry Stoffel, the jail staff had failed to follow correct procedure by omitting to check Rynerson’s wristband and picture.

He added an investigation is underway and praised Rynerson’s wife for doing the right thing, by returning her husband, who was being held on charges of menacing, disorderly conduct and trespassing.

Additionally, Rynerson now faces charges of attempt to escape, forgery and criminal impersonation.

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