Indian people are well known by their beliefs in worshipping different idols but this man has gone a step further from that as he believes US President Donald Trump is god.

For the past three years, 31-year-old Bussa Krishna has been in belief that Trump is a god and for that reason, he has been carrying around Trumps’ image and praying before it.

As that is not enough for a fellow human being like Donald Trump, Krishna even spills blood on the image as his part of offering.

According to reports that  faceofmalawi reporter has seen online, Krishna has a Facebook account with the name Krish Raju where he usually posts videos showing him doing all sorts of praises to Trump.

However, some of his Facebook friends believe Krishna needs a special medical treatment or that he does all this to please the president so could attain a green card.

Checking on an article by HindustanTimes, this reporter gathered that Krishna told reporters that he does not bother to mind when fellow villagers advise him to seek a psychologist.

“I told them ‘I don’t require any, maybe you should go, because he is my God and I am not bothered about stuff others say’,” he said.

It has also been gathered that Krishna has a dream of building his own temple in three to six months coming where Trump would be praised in.

However, online reports claim Trump hasn’t yet commented on the news and it’s doubtful if he ever heard of a person in India who praises him as a god despite Krishna’s claims that the 45th US president once tweeted about him.


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