By Robert Kumwenda

While many people have started showing interest to compete for the presidential elections in 2019, some youths in Balaka in the area of Traditional Authority Nsamala wants Professor John Chisi to lead this country come 2019.

The youth say some of the people who are showing interest now for the presidency are disgruntled politicians who just want to achieve their selfish desires.

One of the concerned youth Chopi Bernard a resident of Phalula in Balaka said Malawians, especially the youth in particular have being cheated by politicians for so long saying that most of them who are making noise now never came out to provide solutions.

“We cannot trust them anymore because some of them were in the very same government which they blame for corruption, nepotism and governance issues to mention but a few.

The UP leader Professor John Chisi is the only person we can trust because he has never changed colors and he is the only leader who is advocating for youth empowerment through job creation and access to loans,” he said.

Another concerned youth Lafael Chisoni who comes from the area of TA Nsamala in Balaka said he completed his form four five years ago but is failing to secure a job as well as loan to start small business.

He said the UP leader is saying that form four school leavers will be send to technical colleges to learn various skills before being admitted to public universities.

“Professor John Chisi has already demonstrated that he really want to empower the youth as a number of youth have already being entrusted in key positions unlike the other political parties where key positions are occupied by the old guards yet they say that they want to promote the youth,” he said.

So does Nasse Nampota from the same area who said that parties that have ruled this country from independence to democracy have failed to come up with a clear policy and vision on how to address the challenges youth are facing in this country.

“We must not blame them when they indulge themselves in malpractices because some of them found themselves in early marriages, drug and alcohol abuse because they have got nothing to do,” he said.

The UP leader wants to create fundamental principles for the generations to come and we need jobs and education to end ignorance, he said.

Nampota further said that the other political parties want to go into government but they do have a clear agenda on what plans do they have for the youth.

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