By Robert Kumwenda

As the country is going closer to the 2019 polls over a hundred people have joined opposition Umodzi Party in the eastern region of Machinga.

The people say they have done this because they are impressed with the policies of the party and the visionary of its leader.

An entrepreneur by the name of Ijah Michongwe who comes from the area of Traditional Authority Mposa is the one who has been conducting meetings to sensitize about UP Manifesto and the vision which the UP leader has to see the country out of poverty.

One of the people who has joined UP Aubrey Kusayenda from group village Ntenda in Machinga said people have now opened their eyes and no one can no longer cheat them because they have seen all politicians and they know what is good for them.

“We should not put our mindset to where the person comes from but rather we should look and the qualities and capabilities one has to offer to the nation, if we do that the problems we are facing now will be a thing of the past,” he said.

James Kuyilazi who comes from the same area said time has come to choose people who really have passion to develop this country and one such kind of a person is Professor John Chisi.

Kuyilazi sentiments were echoed by Leo Matemba from the same area who said he thinks revolution has now come in Malawi democracy and it is high time we change our thinking if the country is to move forward.

The people who joined UP were opposition United Democratic Front (UDF) ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and People’s Party (PP).

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