The body of a boy with albinism who went missing in Phalombe on 6th July 2018 has been found.

Police in Phalombe have confirmed of the development in an interview with the press and identified the deceased Joseph Kachingwe.

According to information at hand, on 6th July this year the victim left home with his friends for Chiteketsa village to enjoy dances as part of celebrations that Malawi has clocked 54 years of independence.

However, it was noted that the boy never returned home on the day which made her mother to report the matter to the community policing officers who took the issue to Phalombe Police station.

The police arrested his step-father who upon interrogation confessed giving the boy deadly poison and died on the spot.

He buried Joseph in a graveyard the same night.

President for the Association of People with Albinism-(APAM) Overstone Kondowe also confirmed of the development in an interview.
More details to come…

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