Zomba, July 16: Vice President, Dr. Saulos Chilima on Sunday donated K1 million to St. George Anglican Parish in Zomba as part of his contribution to the church’s golf tournament fundraising event.

Chilima who attended a church service advised the congregants to fully commit themselves before God through offering for self-dependency of the church.

He said God blesses those who fully commit themselves to his work, adding that the nation encourages churches to be self-sustained through contributions by members for the development of the country.

“This church depends on its members for development, but this can be fulfilled through those Christians who are dedicated and committed to the church through contribution of resources,” he said.

On national issues, Chilima urged people in the country to learn from day to day experiences, saying it was sad to learn that there are still people in the country who don’t learn from what they see.

Chilima cited an example of killing and abduction of people with albinism, saying that some people still believe one could become rich through this act.

“For the past three years, none of the convicts or suspects have shown signs of richness because of the act,” Chilima said.

In his message from the books of 2 Samuel 6, verses 1 – 5 through 12 – 19 and Ephesians 2, verses 3 – 14 titled ‘Blessings of God,’ the Parish Priest for St. George Anglican Church, Rev. Fr. Mathews Singano Kachala said if people do things contrary to the will of God, they are left behind and do not receive any blessings from God.

Fr. Kachala added that even the leadership of each institution, including the nation and the church should lead people towards God’s will as King David did. He said the church was humbled for the first time to be visited by the Vice President.

The church presented a gift to the Vice President as one way of appreciating his attendance to the fundraising event.

After the church service, the Vice President participated in the fundraising golf tournament it organized to solicit money for its (the church’s) different development activities.

Source : Malawi 24

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