Mzuzu First Grade Magistrate court on Thursday granted bail to a man who is answering charges of theft and burglary at Ekwendeni in Mzimba District.

State prosecutor Peter Kachulu told the court that on the night of 24 June, 2018, Isaac Mzumala, 27, broke into a house belonging to Moses Chilongo at Ekwendeni and stole some items.

“Isaac managed to steal a laptop bag, a radio and K28,000 cash; all the stolen property is valued at K60,000,” Kachulu said.

He added that on the same night Mzumala broke into another house belonging to Chimwemwe Juba and stole a bicycle worth K70,000.

Mzumala was later arrested following investigations and brought before court.

The accused, who comes from Greyad Mzumala Village, Traditional Authority Mtwalo in Mzimba District, pleaded not guilty to both charges.

Kachulu asked the court to adjourn the case saying four State witnesses were not readily available.

First Grade Magistrate, Gladys Gondwe then adjourned the case to July 31, 2018 at 9 am.

Theft and burglary is contrary to section 309 of the Penal Code.

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