A 34 year old man identified as Zwetani Todala has hanged himself in Lilongwe two days before his wedding.

Lilongwe Police Public Relations Officer, Kingsley Dandaula said the incident occurred in Akuchale Village, Traditional Authority Masumbankhunda on the night of July 13, 2018.

According Dandaula, Todala did not wake up on July 14 from his room where he was sleeping alone. He was identified by a man from the same village who went to check on him in the afternoon of July 14.

He said the issue was reported to Sinyala Police Unit who referred the issue to Lilongwe Police where an examination of the deceased body on the scene confirmed that he died of suffocation.

However, the publicist said there were no details on events leading to the suicide and advised the general public to find other avenues of sorting out their problems and not through suicide.

“We have a victim support Unit at the station which deals with family problems. There are counsellors out there who deal with the same issues. The church as well plays an important role in dealing with such challenges.

“It is really sad because the deceased might have left some dependants behind who might suffer in his absence,” advised Dandaula.

Todala hailed from Akuchale Village in the area of Traditional Authority Masumbankhunda in Lilongwe district.

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