By Robert Kumwenda

The Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) has just completed the first phase of voter registration in Salima, Dedza and Kasungu where the process has been characterized by low turnout by the electorate.

This development has prompted some electoral stakeholders, Civil Society Organizations (CSO’s) led by the Malawi Human Rights Commission (MHRC) to ask MEC to consider extending the exercise in the said districts so as to make sure that those who have not registered should register and exercise their democratic right come May 2019.

Umodzi Party (UP) leader Professor John Chisi has attributed the low turn out to lose of confidence among the electorate to politicians who do not fulfill their promises they make during campaign.

He said as the country is going closer to elections there many people who have come out and are busy campaigning to be voted but they were nowhere to be seen in the past, more over they just want positions but they have got nothing to offer to the people on the ground.

“People have lost trust in such kind of politicians because at the end of the day they do not see any change that is why they see no reason to register and vote,” he said.

The UP leader said now people have opened their eyes and are joining UP because they have realized that this is the only party that can give them employment , education and justice for all.

Chisi Malawians should ask themselves why they still live in abject poverty 54 years after independence hence the reason for uprooting the old tree and plant a new one of Umodzi Party for things to change.

He, however urged legible Malawians to go and register in large numbers to vote for UP because is the only party that has a new vision for the country on top of that has a good record unlike other parties.

On the same Political Scientist Ernest Thindwa has asked MEC to extend the registration exercise to allow people to hear the Manifesto of other political parties saying that they may change their mindset to register and vote.

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