Member of parliament for Mulanje west  who is also in support of the newly formed Chilima movement, Patricia Kaliati has refused to apologise to a cultural grouping of Mulhako wa Alomwe for denouncing nepotism at the launch United Transformation Movement (UTM) .


Patricia Kaliati’s remarks at Masintha Ground in Lilongwe have been described as an insult to Paramount Chief Ngolongoliwa, the supreme leader of Lhomwe tribe thereby prompting members of the grouping to demand the legislature’s apology within a period of seven days.

The grouping further states that failure to comply with the order, Mulhako wa Alomwe members will hold vigils at the MP’s houses in Area 43, Lilongwe and also at her Mkando residence in Mulanje.

However, the controversial Malawian female legislature has challenged Mulhako wa Alomwe that she will not apologise for anything and that the group can go ahead to hold vigils at both her houses as long as they do not steal a thing.

During the UTM Launch on Saturday, Kaliati told people that Chief Ngolongoliwa and Mulhako Chairperson, Leston Mulli are the people who encouraged her to support Dr Saulos Chilima to be the next president of the country.

She said Mulli and Ngolongoliwa changed the tune after they were induced by the DPP officials to shut their mouths up.

Meanwhile, both Mulli and Ngolongoliwa have denied the claims.


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