Hope Ministry Church Pastor Arrested For Stealing Money Through Tricks.

Malawi Police in Dedza are keeping in custody a pastor for stealing K1.4 million through tricks.

Police spokesperson in the district Edward Kabango said the police arrested Abraham Abusisiya of Hope ministry after Loveness Paulo lodged a complaint that the suspect took the money through trickery.

“The pastor told the complainant, Loveness Paulo, who is a teacher at Dzenza Community Day Secondary School in Dedza that he received a communication from the church’s headquarters in USA to identify and send people who are able to speak English to USA for a vacation.

Kabango said the pastor had lied two years ago to Paula that she would go and live in the United States of America, the alleged headquarters of his church if she had surrendered the money.

“Then the Pastor told the woman that she was chosen as she knows how to speak English and he started demanding cash. This started in 2015 and the pastor has been demanding cash from her in small portions up to the total of K1.4 million,” Kabango said.

The police publicist said the self-styled pastor had told her that the money was to cater for her visa and air ticket to the United States of America.

“But the lady was surprised that it is now two years since he got the money and there seems to be no indication that she would be going to her dreamland country, the US to stay,” said Kabango.

He said the pastor has since been charged with theft by trick and would appear in court soon.

Pastor Abusesiya, 31, hails from Makwinja village in the area of Traditional Authority Kaphuka while Paulo, 49, hails from Kamala village in the area of Traditional Authority Kachere both in Dedza.

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