By Robert Kumwenda

Malawi has had twenty five years of democratic rule, but as the country prepares for elections next year, pre-election tension has already started as politicians are castigating each other instead of focusing on telling the electorate what they will give poor Malawians if voted into power.

John Chisi

Professor John Chisi Umodzi Party (UP) leader is of the view that politicians need to focus on issue based politics because people are struggling and are looking for the kind of politicians that can provide solutions to the existing problems.

He said politics of castigation has no room in this country and will take us nowhere as it may lead to violence and hatred as we are going towards elections.

“Malawians are tired with hate speeches, rather they are eager to hear from those who wanted to be voted into power what plans and vision do they have to bail the country from the challenges it is sailing through,” he said.

Chisi said things are changing and politicians need to learn to ways of doing things from the new democratic World where politicians concentrate much on telling the voters what they will do if voted into power than wasting time in tarnishing the image of fellow politicians.

“We have seen politicians castigating each other since democracy came in but this has not helped us as the country is still grappling with so many problems.

“There is high unemployment rate among the youth, so many issues related to injustices and challenges to access basic and higher education and poverty. People want to hear how those who want to be voted into power will tackle these issues not otherwise,” he said.

His remarks follow words of castigation to the current leadership by members of United Transformation Movement (UTM) during the launch of the grouping a week ago which has ignited a lot of debate and tension to some quarters of the society.


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