Nelson Chamisa Cries Foul over Election Results! MDC Alliance presidential candidate Nelson Chamisa has cried foul following the delay in releasing the presidential elections results.

Nelson Chamisa

This follows after the batch of parliamentary results released saw Zanu-PF leading by a wide margin. Even the reporters at the ZEC Command centre were wondering why urban area results where MDC dominates were taking long to be announced.

And like always the ZEC Commissioner used ignorance to respond to this thus Nelson Chamisa took to social media and said:

“Zec seeks to release results to buy time & reverse the people’s presidential election victory. The strategy is meant to prepare Zim mentally to accept fake presidential results. We’ve more votes than ED. We won the popular vote & will defend it!”

Nelson Chamisa Tweet Clearly accused accused ZEC of trying to manipulate the votes in favor of Zanu-PF.

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