Mwanza First Grade Magistrate Court on Thursday convicted and sentenced 25-year-old woman to 5-years imprisonment with hard labour for Engaging in sexual activity with a 7-year-old boy.

The convict, Agnes James used to invite the victim to her bedroom where she was forcing him to be inserting his penis into her vagina.

This happened for several times but Agnes used to instruct the boy not to reveal to anyone.

On the 9th June, the boy decided to narrate to her mother what the convict was doing to him. The mother rushed to Mwanza police and reported the matter.

Police instituted investigations which led to the arrest of Agnes on the June, 12. Agnes appeared before Mwanza First Grade Magistrate Court on 18th June and pleaded not guilty to charge of Engaging in sexual activity with a child contrary to section 160(B)(1) of the Penal Code.

The state prosecutor Sub Inspector Jane Juma called three witnesses who testified against the convict.

Upon analysis of the evidence adduced, the court found Agnes guilty of the charge.

In her submissions, Sub Inspector Juma said that at her age, Agnes was supposed to be responsible and not engaging in such act with the young boy.

Juma further said that due to this, Agnes deserves a stiffer sentence to deter others.

In her mitigation, Agnes asked for leniency but His worship Ran well Mangazi agreed with the prosecutor and sentenced Agnes to 5 years imprisonment with hard labour.

She comes from Mchotseni village TA Kanduku in Mwanza.


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