A 33-year-old woman, Lignet Chimenya and her two year old daughter Veronica Sambani were burnt to death after a house they were sleeping  in caught fire in early hours of Thursday.

Chiradzulu police spokesperson Yohane Tasowana confirmed of the incident.

“Brother to the deceased, Frank Chikungwa left home around 14:30 pm for a funeral ceremony at nearby village . While there, he received a message that his sister’s house had caught fire and rushed home where he found the house completely burnt,” he said.

The PRO said brother to the deceased told the police that by the time the house caught fire, all neighbours were also at the funeral ceremony.

Accoprding to Tasowana, police visited the scene and found that the deceased left a pot on fire where she was cooking pigeon peas and the fire accidentally caught the garss fence that resulited in razing down the house in which the two were sleeping.

He said results of the postmortem conducted at Thumbwe Health Centre revealed the death was due to severe burns.

Chimenya and her daughter Sambani hails from Masuli village in the area of traditional authority Kadewere in Chiradzulu.


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