Former president Robert Mugabe’s son, Robert Junior, has taken to social media to express sorrow at the scenes of violence that gripped the Zimbabwe capital last week.

In a post to his Instagram account, the 26-year-old said the scenes were ones he found unfamiliar, suggesting Zimbabwe was better under his father’s rule.

“This is not the Zimbabwe I grew up in. This is not the Zimbabwe I know,” he said in words to accompany a picture of a burning vehicle.

Violent protests broke out in Harare on Wednesday as supporters of MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa vented their anger over a delay by the electoral commission in announcing results for this week’s presidential poll.

Several ruling party campaign vehicles were burnt and shops stoned.

The army was called in and opened fire on protesters. At least six people were killed and at least 14 wounded, according to police.

Robert Junior added in his post: “Let God do God’s work.”

Two years ago, when his father was still in power, violent anti-government protests broke out in Harare, according to reports at the time.

Reuters reported at the time that protesters clashed with riot police and property was burnt and destroyed but the army was not called in.

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