The Malawi High Commission in Maputo received three Malawians who were travelling to Malawi and were left stranded at Lebombo border, South Africa by a Malawian driver.

The three have informed that while they were in South Africa, they received a lift from a fellow Malawian Austin Matiki, from Machinga District, Selema, Paramount Chief Kawinga who owns a white Isuzu two tonne vehicle with a registration number beginning with BN.

The vehicle is being driven by Ibrahim Maulana from Chiponde and a third person travelling in their company has fingers missing from his right hand.

Upon reaching a weigh bridge at Lebombo border the three Malawians together with three other Malawians disembarked the vehicle and were abandoned by Mr Matiki on 6 August, 2018.

Mr Matiki had borrowed 4500 rands from the passengers to use towards fuel on a promise that he would refund the money upon arrival in Malawi and the three used the meagre resources that they were left with to get to Maputo.

Further to this Mr Matiki took off with the passengers’ goods and luggage. Mr Matiki was reachable on a cellphone with the following South African numbers 0027638295924 and 0027789341984.

The Mission managed to contact Mr Matiki and informed him that he should take responsibility for the passengers he had abandoned but his phone was quickly disconnected.

The three Malawians who are now stranded at the Mission are:

1. Mustafa Daudi Malambula holder of a Malawi passport number MA046851 from, T/A Liwonde Mkwinda village, Machinga district.

2. Ibrahim Jazeel from Mponda village, T/A Katuli, Mangochi. And
3. Harima Sade from Mbobo village, Mponela, Dowa district

Given the foregoing the Mission is requesting the officials at Malawi borders at Dedza, Biriwiri or Mwanza to assist and detain Mr Matiki so that he can provide means to transport to Malawi the three Malawians who are stranded at the mission in Maputo.

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