By Orchestra Kamanga

The country’s leading producers and distributors of Tchaka detoxtly econoplus, Mfumukazi facial treatment and hair and skin butta, Zwide for ulcers for acide relief is helping the government by giving the best medical treatment to its clients hence developing the country’s in economy growth.

The company’s founder and Managing Director Elder Babangoni Chisale said without Bayete clinic most of the patients in the country could go to seek medical attention outside the country.

“Our clinic helps much in the country by providing necessary medical treatment to our clients (patients) and government is not spending a lot of money sending the patients abroad,” he said.

Chisale also said that there is overwhelming response from their clients across the country who need assistant from the clinic.

“We started with reasonable number of clients but currently we are even failing to assist them all because that their clients are larger numbers and stable. There are taking Bayete clinics as their own clinic,” he said.

Started 3 years ago Bayete is located opposite MTL near Queens Elizabeth Central Hospital in Red Cross campus.

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