The Muslims Supreme Council of Malawi has embarked on several projects which include building schools, construct bridges, kiosks and helping the orphans in Machinga district.

The spokesperson for the organization Muli Bwanali said the council which was formed in 1980’s by Sheikh Bukudadi established the organization to unite all Muslims in the country and to bring them together.

“Our main role as Muslims Supreme o Council of Malawi is to bring stability and peace in the country,” he said adding that they also promote and empower women through 50:50 campaign,” he said.

During the floods the council distributed various items to the affected people in affected areas in the area of Henry Mussa in Chiradzulu district.

The Council also blamed General Secretary for UTM Patricia Kaliati and former first lady Callista Mutharika for attacking first lady Gertrude Mutharika during the launch of the party that she failed MSCE saying that is not allowed in democracy.

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