A 38 year old man on Wednesday hanged himself in a maize field over unpaid debt.

Chiradzulu Police Public Relations Officer (PRO), Yohane Tasowana confirmed the incident the incident to Malawi News Agency (Mana) Friday.

“Willard Batani collected debt from a businessman some months ago and the money had been accumulating with interests for not being settled at an agreed time and he promised to pay this month,” said Tasowana.

The police said that on 14 August, the deceased had a quarrel with his wife in which she urged him to pay back the money he owed village bank and the business man.

“After the quarrel and realizing that he had no cash available to settle all the bills, the deceased left his home around 6 O’clock in the evening of Wednesday and did not come back.

“The body was found hanging on a Mango Tree by children who went to catch grasshoppers,” Tasowana said.

According to Tasowana, an officer from Thumbwe Police Unit immediately visited the scene and took the body to Thumbwe Health Centre where postmortem results showed that his death was due to suffocation.

The deceased hailed from Chanje Village, Traditional Authority Kadewere in the district.


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