The Chitipa First Grade Magistrate court has on 14th August, 2018 convicted and sentenced Lonex Chizumila 39 to 3 years imprisonment with lighter labour for causing death by reckless driving.

The court heard through state prosecutor sub inspector Fancy Sichali that on 21st March, 2018 the convict was driving a motor vehicle registration number cp 5094 canter four tonner from chitipa heading Karonga direction, along Chitipa – Karonga road. Upon arrival at Ibanda at around 0840hrs, he collided with on coming motor vehicle registration number BR 4136 driven by Mc Donald Mkwaila, 50 when he was trying to overtake.

Though the front motor vehicle warned him,he proceeded hence the collision.

Due to impact, the driver of BR 4136 Toyota Hillux Double Cabin and a passenger named Ephraim Nyirenda 34 of Zebedia T/A Mabulabo in Mzimba district died on spot.

In his submission, sub inspector Fancy Sichali pleaded with the court for stiffer punishment saying road accidents are common in the district and many people lose lives hence police and court have the duty to protect the citizens. “The punishment should set as a signal to would be offenders” said the prosecutor.

He also asked the court for compensation to the bereaved families.

In mitigation, convict pleaded for leniency saying he also broke his leg and arm during the incident.

However, when passing judgement,his worship first grade magistrate Julius Kalambo concurred with the state that life is precious once lost cannot be restored. He therefore, sentenced the convict to 3 years imprisonment with lighter labour considering his injuries.

Similarly, the court has convicted and sentenced Ezekiel Kakote Lwinga to 3 years imprisonment with hard labour for causing death by reckless driving.

The court heard through prosecutor sub inspector Fancy Sichali that on 30th June,2018 the convict was driving a motor vehicle registration number along MRA Chitipa trading centre road from MRA heading nthalire direction, upon arrival at farmer’s world shop he lost control of the vehicle due to over speeding and hit a male pedestrian,Isaac Nyondo 18 of Siyombwe village T/ A Mwaulambia in Chitipa district,a form one student at Yamba CDSS on far side of the road and threw him at a distance of 30 metres and died on spot.

In his submission,sub inspector Fancy Sichali pleaded for stiffer punishment saying cases of road accidents are on increase in the district as six people have lost their lives since January, 2018 in five fatal road accidents.

In mitigation, the convict pleaded for leniency saying he is a bread winner for the family.

However, his worship first grade magistrate Julius Kalambo concurred with the state and lament on the behaviour of drivers on the road .”Life cannot be replaced,life is not like a property that can be replaced, once lost is lost for ever “said the magistrate. Hence sentenced the convict to three years imprisonment with hard labour.

Lonex hails from Ishalikira village and Ezekiel hails from Mkombanyama village in the area of Traditional Authority Mwaulambia in Chitipa district.



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