Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Treasurer General, Jappie Mhango Thursday pledged to donate his August salary towards construction of a school block at Kambuyi Full Primary School in Nkhatabay District.

Mhango who is also Minister of Transport and Public Works made the pledge after Group Village Head (GVH) Kamoza of Nkhatabay had asked government to consider constructing a school block replacing a makeshift structure which is constructed with timber.

Jappie Mhango

GVH Kamoza made the request during a political rally which was addressed by Mhango at Kamoza in the district.

“I am asking government to construct a school block at Kambuyi Full Primary School as some learners and teachers use a makeshift classroom made of timber and grass thatched, this scenario affects teaching and learning especially during rainy season as the classrooms leak,” she explained.

GVH Kamoza pointed out that the school has inadequate classroom and the Member of Parliament of Nkhatabay Central; Ralph Mhone had expressed no interest to come to the rescue of the school.

The GVH assured the Minister that her subjects had already mobilized local construction materials such as sand and bricks in readiness for the construction of the new school block.

In his response, Mhango pledged to donate his August salary towards the construction of the request school block.

“I will assist the school with K1.5 million and my appeal to other well-wishers to emulate my gesture to contribute towards the development of this school,” he added.

In an interview with the press, Mhone said Nkhatabay District Council has plans to construction a school block at the school.

“Nkhatabay District Council is going to construct a school block at Kambuyi Full Primary School this financial year under District Development Fund (DDF),” he disclosed.

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