Dear Lord,

Throughout this day, may I be keenly aware of your presence in everything I do. May my life be a living example and may others see Christ in me.

There are many that are hurting in this world – may I be a salve to someone today Lord, in a way that I can’t even imagine. May my words be seasoned with salt and minister grace to all that hear. May my actions be aligned with your Word.

I pray for wisdom that is peaceable, gentle, and approachable, with lots of mercy and fairness.

You said an unlimited supply of wisdom is available to me if I simply ask, so I pray for wisdom to know how to deal with the many people and situations that will cross my path.

I pray for protection throughout this day; protect from harm and evil; go before me, to the left and right of me and behind me. Order my steps so that I walk worthy of your calling throughout this day.

May I be attuned to your promptings – whether it shows up as a gentle tug or a strong conviction.

I submit all to you today, Amen.