Former President Dr. Joyce Banda has been re-elected as President of the opposition People’s Party (PP) during national convention held at Robins Park in the commercial capital Blantyre.

Banda outclassed her rival Leonard Mphiza after scooping 1101 votes against 23 in an election conducted by the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC).

After the announcement, Robins Park was turned into an entertainment centre as all delegates jumped on the floor to celebrate Banda’s victory.

Drama ensued on the post of Vice President for the North where Rumphi East MP Kamlepo Kalua pulled out of the race at the 11th hour to pave way leader of PP in Parliament Ralph Mhone.

The post of Vice President for Central Region went to Kasungu North MP Beatrice Mwale after beating her opponent Peter Kamange 678 votes against 447 votes.

Banda’s son Roy Kachale went unopposed on the post of the Vice President for Eastern Region.

Meanwhile Banda has said she is ready to form an electoral alliance with any political party ahead of the forthcoming 2019 tripartite election.

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