What draws a woman to a man? What are those things a woman notices in a guy, and finds herself immediately attracted to him? Well, you’re about to find out!


I have heard over and over that people are not attracted to the physical, and instead, they’re interested only in what’s inside, but I’m going to dispute that to a logical extent. No one wants to settle for a partner who dresses shabbily and isn’t appealing. Maybe it’s not so much about handsomeness or beauty of the face, but how appealing you appear to everyone else. Do you dress well? Do you wear clean clothing? Are you the kind of person one can proudly show off to the world? These things matter a lot, not just to men, but to women too. Women want their man rocking good outfits, and matching them right too.


Every time I walk into the office, I get at least, 2 to 3 women complimenting them way I smell, and hugging me all over. It’s not because I wear the most expensive cologne, it’s just that I know the right one to buy. There are thousands of great smelling, but not too expensive cologne out there. You can get yourself one too to stand out.

The thing about smelling good is that everyone wants it. It’s the opposite effect of walking into a bad-smelling house. You just get turned off.


Women can tell when you’re a scumbag. They don’t want a scumbag because that would mean they’ll probably feel terrible about their life and relationship for a very long time. And even if you’re good to her and awful to everyone else, it still turns her off because she sees through the lie and deception.

A positive attitude means being able to see some good in everything and everyone, no matter their flaws. Positive people can lift you up even from the darkest parts.


A good voice is nice, but how you use it is everything. If you possess one, yet you can’t pronounce words correctly, it’s not good enough to a woman. And I understand that most of us can’t really pronounce a lot of words the right way, but the accent and the fact that you know to do the basics is very important.


How do you carry yourself? Do you walk into a place and everyone notices your loudness or do you walk in, and standout because you’re not loud, yet reserved and vocal. Women like men who can carry themselves like kings. It doesn’t mean you have to be arrogant or disrespect others, it just means you know to move and talk differently.


Ladies will check for how clean you are. Do you have bad breath? Do you have unclean and rough-looking toe and finger nails? What about your skin? I bet some of us didn’t know that it’s easy to spot an unclean skin. These may seem like unimportant details, but unless you’re settling for classless women, they do.

The funny thing is all of these things I mentioned are also important to men. They’re basic things that appeal generally to people about others. So get yourself together now. You never know who’s checking.

But note: these are only things that appeal on the outside. This might make a woman drawn to you, but it won’t keep her with you if you aren’t appealing on the outside.

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