Councillor for Misesa Ward in Blantyre City South East Louis Ngalande has denied rumours hovering on the social media that he has dumped the United Transformation Movement (UTM), saying the rumours are untrue.

Last week, the social media was awash with reports that Ngalande who is also one of the UTM’s founders has dumped the movement, claiming that the movement is linked to Satanic.

“My support from Chilima was solely to see Malawi being lead by a youth president but what so far come over UTM its something dangerous that cannot love and support or to be part of it any longer. Once this issue came up in our early movement meetings I did not support it and refused to be part of the team with went to Italy where this covenant was entered into by a very senior person who has control over many nations in this world who inhabitants in Vatican City.

“Since their return from Italy, things dramatically changed in the movement, I have been sidelined from that time, huge finances started pouring in from an know sources aboard when I try to enquire where is this money coming from I was simply told am too young to understand all these going around,” read in part the report circulating on social media.

But speaking in a rally held at Ntcheu Secondary School, Ngalande denied the rumours saying its not on to associate the movement with evil acts.
Ngalande said he is still in UTM and dumping the movement will be the last thing to do in life.

He accused the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) of being behind the false rumours.

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