Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa has reportedly assisted former first lady Grace Mugabe to return home, following the death of her mother Ambuya Idah Marufu last Thursday.

Mnangagwa was last year forced to escape the southern African country, following a fallout with Grace, who was aiming for the presidency in the case of her husband Robert Mugabe’s retirement or death.

The bitter succession battle between the two culminated in Mugabe’s unceremonious ousting in November, led by the military.

Mugabe’s ousting has led to a number of public clashes between the two former allies – with the latest being the former president’s shocking endorsement of Nelson Chamisa last month.

But, according to New Zimbabwe.com, sources said relations between the two were seemingly normalising after the president had chartered Grace a return flight from the Far East after her mother’s death.

“The president decided to spare the former first lady the inconvenience of scheduled flights at this difficult time, so a chartered plane was arranged so she could return home as quickly as possible,” a senior Zanu-PF official was quoted as saying.

According to Zw News, the former first lady was expected to visit her rural home for the first time since her husband was ousted in November.
Sources said funeral arrangements were under way at the Marufus’ humble homestead.

Grace Mugabe last visited the family home for the burial of her aunt, where she also addressed mourners.

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