Zimbabwe’s justice minister says opposition leader Nelson Chamisa faces arrest if he has himself “sworn in” as president this week.

Chamisa has said he will be “inaugurated by the people” at the party’s 19th anniversary celebrations in Harare on Saturday.

But Justice Minister Ziyambi Ziyambi said what Chamisa’s MDC Alliance is planning to do is “a serious breach of the law”. He said only the country’s chief justice is allowed to inaugurate a president.

 “We are going to arrest him if he does that. Those who are mandated to maintain peace and law are ready to arrest him,” the minister told the private Daily News.

“It is unfortunate that he can’t accept reality and move on as an opposition leader,” Ziyambi said.

Analysts say Chamisa’s proposed “inauguration” echoes that of Kenyan opposition leader Raila Odinga, who refused to accept the election win by President Uhuru Kenyatta last year.

Chamisa is still smarting from what he says was a stolen election on July 30, which saw President Emmerson Mnangagwa declared the winner with 50.6% of the vote, compared to his own 44.3%.

Source : News24



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