By Robert Kumwenda

Some Malawians have expressed their dissatisfaction with the way Vice President Saulos Chilima is accusing the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) led government on a number of issues and have since shared the views of Umodzi Party leader Professor John Chisi in asking him to resign as from his position.

Madalisto Njolomole a resident of Blantyre said it is very unfortunate for the Vice President to tells Malawians that DPP government has failed yet he has served in the same government which is accusing of corruption and nepotism among others.

He said Malawians wants leaders who have clear record and have they have a clear vision for this country like the UP leader.

Manuel Samson from Chiradzulu also shares the same views of Njolomole saying Malawians are tired with disgruntled politicians who when the fail to achieve there selfish desires they dish government and start accusing it that it has failed when in real sense this is not the case.

“How can we trust them, they do not have the welfare of people at heart, they are power hungry and they should quit politics and venture into something else,” he said.

Alex Moffat from Ntcheu also wondered why the Vice President is clinging to his position if what he is telling Malawians is genuine.

He said refusing to resign it means that he remains part and parcel of the same system so he can never be trusted.

The UP leader was the first person to call for the resignation of the Vice President on that he is very ungrateful and a coward just to mention a few.

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