Police in Thyolo district have arrested a fellow police officer identified as Constable Joy Josephy aged 35 for defiling a 15-year-old girl at Chipungu village in the area of traditional authority Mbawera in Thyolo.

According to police report seen by this publication, the incident occurred on 8th September, 2018 at around 20:00hrs.

Facts are that the officer and other officers were deployed at Thyolo police station to beef up manpower in Chipungu area in the ongoing Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) exercise.

On the day of the incident, the officer knocked off from his duties and called the victim to his room whilst other officers were not around. He convinced the victim and took her to his room and defiled her.

Relatives of the victim were surprised to see that the victim was nowhere to be seen.

After sometime,the victim was seen coming out from the room by her brothers whilst crying. When she was asked where she was coming from, she revealed that she was defiled by the officer.

The matter was reported to police station and officers visited the scene of incident and recorded witness statements.

The victim was issued with a medical report where it revealed that the victim was indeed defiled and was infected with sexually transmitted diseases hence the suspect’s arrest.

Meanwhile, the suspect will soon appear in court to face charges of defilement.


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