Aspiring Parliamentarian for Blantyre City South and businessman Leonard Chimbanga held a meeting with the country’s Vice President Dr. Saulos Chilima who is also leader of United Transformation Movement (UTM) barely days after dumping the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).

Chimbanga dumped the ruling DPP on September 16 following bad blood between him and some DPP to officials for openly condemning the remarks made by the party’s deputy director of youths Hophmally Makande.

Makande is on record to have dragged Pope Francis into petty party politics and this did no please Chimbanga who demanded an apology from President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika and the ruling DPP in general.

According to Chimbanga, the remarks landed him in hot soup to the point that his Nomination forms for Primaries were turned down by DPP top gurus hence his resignation.

But from the long of things, Chimbanga is heading to UTM and this can be witnessed in a statement posted on his official facebook page confirming the meeting between him and the Vice President.

“I was honoured and privileged to meet the Vice President of The Republic of Malawi for breakfast. I was one of his most critic and had a chance to ask him questions like why he took so long to Make his moves to which he responded and many other difficult questions. I was satisfied with his responses he was sincere and candid. We discussed a number of issues.

“I must say he is very humble, brilliant and patriotic. I shared my ideas with him. Thank you Sir for giving me the audience I am just a simple man from Blantyre City South. May God bless you. I wish you well as you embark on this journey. You are great man,” reads in part the statement.

Meanwhile the agenda of the meeting is not known at the moment.

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