By Robert Kumwenda

The country remains with not less than eight months before its citizens go the next polls to choose leaders that will govern the country for the next five years.

As time draw closer political parties have not just seated down but they are beasy looking for political parties that they can make a coalition with so that they should see light at the end of the day come May 2019.

Not long ago it was reported that some political parties wanted to make a coalition called ‘Tikonze Dziko Lathu’ whose aim was to choose one person that will lead the group ahead of 2019 elections but as of to date nothing is happening of the ground.

University of Malawi (UNIMA) political scientist Happy Kayuni said a successful political coalition in the country would work better if smaller opposition parties worked with a party that control’s a significant number of followers and is well recognized.

So if what Kayuni is anything to go by a working coalition between opposition Umodzi Party (UP) and the governing Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) may lead to victory considering that both parties have strong structures on the ground across the country.

The other reason is that other political parties wants to make coalitions with ‘political minnows’ parties that have no structures on the ground and are not represented in the National Assembly a thing that will make it difficult to strongly challenge the DPP.

This is also because UP leader Professor John Chisi has been active on the ground conducting political rally meetings across the country unlike leaders of other political parties who just wants to compete in next year’s elections but as of to date they have not held their conventions and no one knows when they will hold their conventions.

As the country prepares for elections, incumbent President Peter Mutharika is likely to be challenged by his Vice Dr Saulos Chilima leader of the United Transformation Movement (UTM) Dr Lazarus Chakwera President for the main opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP) former President Dr Joyce Banda leader of People’s Party (PP) as well as new political comers.

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