Police are keeping in custody a 33 year old man in Nkhata Bay district for allegedly assaulting a step daughter brutally on Monday.

According to reports, a 15 year old girl was on October 8, 2018 severely wounded for the reason that she was not in good terms with her parents.

“The young girl was not taking hid to the pieces of advice from her parents against her unruly behaviour.

Three weeks ago, the little girl left home for unknown destination, the conduct that surprised the parents.” PRO Kondwani James said.

In her explanation, the victim told police that on the date of incident, she met her step father Mr. Fumbani Mwale at Limphasa within Matete area.

Mr. Mwale persuaded the victim to accompany him into Chiwaya forest for undisclosed reasons.

As the two were in the forest, the man forced the young girl to take some charms that he dug in the forest.

Upon taking the unprescribed charms, the girl felt stomachache and she became weak.

The suspect took an advantage of that and attacked the victim. She was brutally assaulted in the head and on the face with a stone.

The little girl sustained multiple cuts and she was left unconscious.

Women who were fetching firewood in the forest came across the wounded little one screaming for help.

The women reported the matter to police who rushed to the scene.

The victim was immediately taken to Nkhata Bay District Hospital where she was admitted.

Upon gaining conscious the girl disclosed whatever she encountered.

The suspect was later arrested. He will soon appear in court to answer the charge of Unlawful Wounding which contravenes section 241 of the Penal Code.

He is originally from Chinkwecha village in the area of Traditional Authority Mnyanja in Kasungu District.

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