This 19 year old girl ( name withheld) was staying with her sister in area 25 during form four holiday from Blantyre.
She was pregnant and nobody in the house and compound knew about this.
She was left alone yesterday night at a sitting room while others were sleeping and delivered a child together with a placenta.
She took the baby and placenta and dumped at a public pitlatrine.
During the morning hours the other girl from the neibour was cleaning the toilet and noted a lot of blood which she cleaned.
She was suddened with the crying voice of the child in a pitlatrine that’s when she informed her mother and police.
police came and took 20 women from the compound to Area 25 health centre .
She was discovered at the hospital that she delivered a child and she had a tear from the birth process.
People at the community had to destroy the toilet and found the child alive.
The baby is at area 25 health centre receiving treatment.
The mother of the baby is in police custody.