A 53-year-old man who had for so long being advised by his wife to stop drinking alcohol has resorted to committing  suicide.

Foster Benjamin, Chikwawa Public Relations Officer has identified the deceased as Nazario Chitsamba who committed the offence over the weekend in Kubalalika village in the area of traditional authority Makhwira in district.

According to Benjamin, the wife to the deceased had for several times been telling the deceased to desist from his drinking habits but he did not take use of the wife’s advises.

“On Friday, the couple picked up a quarrel which in the end, the wife was kicked out of the house. Later, the husband left the house without his shirt on and took his bicycle while claiming he was going to throw himself in Shire River, “explained Benjamin.

On Saturday, community members were shocked to have found him hanging dead in a tree with the bicycle besides.

Police and medical personell visited the scene and took the body for a postmortem which revealed the death was due to suffocation.

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