Police in Dedza have arrested a suspected trickster for allegedly presenting himself as a detective police officer to steal money from the mother of a suspect who was in police custody.

Confirming the arrest, Dedza police deputy spokesperson, Constable Cassim Manda, identified the suspect as Davie Mkwewu, 19 years.

According to Manda, the suspect allegedly collected money from a woman identified as Mrs Florence Chikumbutso whose son was in police custody alleging that he would help her get her son released.

Mkwewu recently came to Dedza police waiting room where he allegedly met the woman in question who at that time had come to see her son who was in police custody.

It is alleged that, Mkwewu introduced himself to the woman as a police detective at Dedza police station and that he could help her get her son released if he could be given money which could be shared with the magistrate who was going to preside over the case.

Getting convinced, the woman in question fell prey to Mkwewu’s trick and gave him K28,000.

Upon receiving the money Mkwewu and the woman went to court where Mkwewu was allegedly going to buy freedom of Chikumbutso’s son.

Surprisingly, after walking a short distance Mkwewu again told Mrs Florence Chikumbutso to take her own way saying that when they move together it would make people to become suspicious of them. After the woman in question had just entered into the court room, Mkwewu disappeared.

After sensing something fishy and tired of waiting, the woman decided to lodge a complaint to police who after some enquiries has today arrested the suspect.

Mkwewu has been charged with obtaining money by false pretences contrary to section 319 of penal code and will appear before court soon to answer the charge leveled against him.

Following this development, constable Manda strongly advise the general public to report to police any person who at any time may present himself or herself claiming to be a police officer or any other public servants under the pretext of giving them a hand to have their relatives released from police custody.

Further, Manda remind the general public that police bail is free.

Davie Mkwewu hails from Mchotseni village, Traditional Authority Kandulu in Mwanza district.

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