The High court in Blantyre has sustained an injunction obtained by businessman Leston Mulli preventing activist Charles Kajoloweka from commenting on his claim of K8 billion from government.

Mulli rushed to court in September 2018 to obtain an injunction against Kajoloweka after he issued a statement questioning Mulli’s claims, arguing it’s a daylight robbery.

“It appears you wish to be hailed as some hero or a vigilante and in the process, you wish to maliciously obstruct the course of justice for your own misguided reasons. The means with which you intend to achieve your result is by defaming Mr Mulli, the Attorney General, the Judiciary and making allegations against them.

“We, therefore, demand the immediate retraction of your Facebook post and an apology to Mr Mulli, Sunrise Pharmaceuticals and Chombe Foods Limited to be made within 48 hours of your receipt of this letter, failing which we shall take appropriate action against you without any further recourse to you whatsoever,” demands the letter.

But Kajoloweka appealed against the injunction and the case was due today, November 7, 2018.

In his ruling, the presiding Judge ruled in favour of Mulli by sustaining the injunction.

At first, Mulli received K3.1 billion as damages to his two companies namely; Sunrise Pharmaceuticals Limited and Chombe Foods Limited during the 2011 anti-government demonstrations.

He is now seeking an additional K8 billion.

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