By  Gilbert Mphatso Moyo


“But I don’t want somebody
Who’s loving everybody
I need a shy guy
He’s the kinda guy who’ll only be mine,”

Shy Guy by Diana King (1995)

Believe it or not I am a shy person. Ironically when I act on stage, I am bold and romantic but the real me is frantic (I had to put a rhyming word).

What is wrong with shyness?

Everything. I used to think being shy was so romantic because, in my experience, it felt good when I was shy towards a girl I liked. However, the problem was; I was the only one who enjoyed my shyness.

In short, most girls hate shy guys. They want their guy to be himself when together because if you’re free around each other it means the chemistry is good.

So if you’re wondering what went wrong and why she went for that bad guy; maybe shyness is your answer. Just think about your friend who gets the ladies. Chances are that he is not shy.

I may be wrong, some girls like Diana King want a Shy Guy.

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