President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika has rewarded Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Regional Governor Charles Mchacha over his foul mouth against the newly formed United Transformation Movement (UTM) led by state Vice President Saulos Chilima.

Mchacha who is also Member of Parliament for Thyolo West on Sunday during a rally organized by DPP Vice President for the South Kondwani Nankhumwa described UTM as party of prostitutes, thieves and Satanist.

The outburst attracted criticisms from all corners with many Malawians calling for Mutharika to discipline Mchacha.

Instead of discipline him, President Mutharika has rewarded him by appointing him as Deputy Minister of Homeland Security.

Apart from Mchacha, Mutharika has also roped in two new faces namely; Phalombe East member of Parliament (MP) Alex Mailosi as Deputy Minister of Defence and Chitipa South MP Welani Chilenga as Deputy Minister of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining.

Meanwhile Mutharika has removed the post of Vice President in his new cabinet raising suspicion among Malawians.

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