One Malawian and three Nigerians are facing the law for being found in possession of cannabis sativa without license.

According to central region police spokesperson, Nolliet Chihana Chimala, the case occurred on October 18, 2018 around 14:00hrs at Area 49 in Lilongwe and the names of the accused are Matina Msungama, 27, Collins Okoligwe, 35, a Nigerian, Kingsley Olisa, 35, and Chigozye Eze, 33, who is also a Nigerian.

She said police at Lingadzi received a tip that Msungama was unlawfully keeping a vehicle of her elder sister Staney.

Chimala said in the course of the investigations, on October 18, 2018, around 14:00hrs, the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) team from Lingadzi followed Msungama at her boyfriend’s place in Area 49, Dubai.

“Upon arrival at the place, the team found Msungama in her boyfriend’s room and she tried to hide some susbstance that was believed to be cocaine which she had been sniffing.

“The CID team searched the house where the three suspects, Okolingwe, Olisa and Eze stayed and found Cannabis Sativa in one of the bedrooms. The four were all arrested and brought to Lingadzi Police Station,” she added.

The substance and the suspected cannabis sativa were seized and were all confirmed to be dangerous drugs by Pharmacy, Medicine and Poisons Board and Chitedze Research Station.

She said the four suspects were charged with being found in Possession of Dangerous Drugs Contrary to Regulation 14 of the Dangerous Drug Act as read with Section 19 (1) of the same and CAP 35 of the Laws of Malawi.

“They appeared before Her Worship Msekandiana, Senior Resident Magistrate on 6 November, 2018. They were convicted and sentenced as follows; Matina Msungama was ordered to pay a fine of K500, 000.00 and in default to serve 12 months Imprisonment with Hard Labour (IHL).

“Okoligwe was sentenced to three years IHL without option of fine and Olisa was ordered to pay a fine of K400, 000 and in default to serve 12months IHL.  Eze was also fined K400, 000 and in default serve 12 months IHL,” she explained.

She said Okoligwe will be deported after serving his sentence while the other two will be deported after paying their fine and that the government must facilitate his deportation through Kamuzu International Airport (KIA).

The first suspect, Matina Msungama, comes from Lobi Village, Traditional Authority Kaphuka in Dedza District.

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