Malawi Congress party (MCP) primary elections for Nkhata-bay South Constituency were postponed on Saturday due to disagreements over an electoral college.

Ken zikhale Ng’oma and Lecnay Nyankhata are challenging to represent MCP in the parliamentary race.

Nyankhata said that “Ng’oma was only being strategic to have the elections cancelled for the fear of losing”.

The other problem that caused to postponing the elections was the food coupons which Nyankhata brought and distributed to some electorates, to which Ng’oma, the MCP director of strategy thought was a plot of manipulating the voters. But Nyankhata said that “this was only aimed at helping the voters to have something eat considering that they have spent most of the day at the voting centers.

There were over 200 political areas which were represented by nine representatives from each of the areas, contributing 1,800 voters.

Ng’oma also complained of being told late about the date of the venue of the voting centers.

In the meantime, the party is yet to investigate reasons that led to the disagreements between the two candidates.

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